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Critical Role Wiki

"Onward to Vesrah" (1x87) is the third episode of the seventh chapter of Critical Role. Vox Machina sets sail across the Ozmit Sea to the home of the Water Ashari, dealing with scurvy trouble along the way, where upon arrival Keyleth will endeavor to complete her Aramenté... and discover a horrible truth.




Previously on Critical Role

"Vox Machina, having defeated the Chroma Conclave and restoring order and—for the time being—peace to the landscape of Tal'Dorei, resurrected [their] friend Scanlan Shorthalt, however he realized he needed some time to himself, to both connect with his interesting direction in life and with his estranged illegitimate daughter, Kaylie.

"Upon leaving, the party proceeded to find their way to close all the loose ends that they hadn't quite had time to get to with the Conclave's assault. That involved returning the ashes of Senokir's wife to Vasselheim, and then making [their] way to Ank'Harel to deliver the hands of Ripley to the Scarbearers guild.

"On [their] way there, [they] encountered a new adventurer: Taryon Darrington, who was looking to join an adventuring group for experience. He paid his way into [their] service, and upon being returned to Whitestone [they] gave him a hazing which broke him enough to be a little more honest with his reasoning for going on this venture. [...] Knowing more about [their] new companion, [they] accepted him for the time being, [with Taryon now] understanding the dangers that are involved in following [their] path, and he accepted.

"[They] made [their] way to Emon, looking [for] a way to find passage towards Vesrah, the home of the Water Ashari and the hopeful completion of Keyleth's Aramenté. Upon finding and hiring a crew under the Captain Adella, [they] made [their] way onto [their] new ship and began to traverse westward onto the Ozmit Sea."

Part I


Part II

Featured Characters

Vox Machina







External Links


