Critical Role Wiki

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Critical Role Wiki
Critical Role Wiki

From somewhere upwards of 450 stub articles (wish I had recorded the exact number!), or about 70% of all pages on the site, we are now down to 269 and only 37% of pages. In addition to that, many of the articles that need work have been marked for cleanup, with notes on what exactly is missing. My hope is that this will encourage new contributors to join in the fray, but we'll see.

I ended up relaxing the 250-word stub cutoff that I had originally planned on. Of course there were the short but complete articles that I knew to expect, but apart from that, there were also a number of shorter articles that I felt covered the basics and only needed some cleanup. The cutoff for those "cleanup" articles ended up being the more subjective "two significant paragraphs of text", which probably worked out to about 150 words.
