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Depiction of a wyvern

A wyvern is a huge flying lizard with a long snout and a poisonous stinger in its tail.[1] While only a distant cousin of true dragons, wyverns' tendency to hunt in packs makes them dangerous foes. A wyvern’s body is fifteen feet long, and dark brown to gray; half that length is tail. Its wingspan is about twenty feet.


  • Senses: Darkvision.
  • Languages: Draconic
  • Multiattack: The wyvern can make two attacks: one with its bite and one with its stinger. While flying, it can use its claws in place of one other attack.
  • Bite: Wyverns can bite at a target with it's giant teeth
  • Claw: Wyverns can make a claw attack.
  • Stinger: The wyvern can make an attack with its tail, which can poison a target.[2]

Known Wyverns

Vox Machina encountered several wyverns being ridden by bandits in "Skyward". In a humorous turn of events, one of the flying beasts was polymorphed into a harmless rabbit, and consequently plummeted thousands of feet into the Ozmit Sea below.

Wyverns were a common element of Thordak's forces, usually used as mounts by the lizardfolk that served him.

Vasselheim has a group of wyvern riders among its military forces.[3]


In the final round, and last battle of the Victory Pit tournament during the Harvest Close Festival in Zadash, The Stubborn Stock faced off against and in an exhausted battle defeated[4] a large 20-foot wyvern that had its wings purposefully carved and cut so as to prevent it from flying.[5]


  1. See 10x06 at 0:56:14.
  2. See D&D: Monster Manual, 5th ed., p. 303.
  3. See "The Endless Atheneum" (1x106).[citation needed]
  4. See 10x06 from 0:55:42 through 1:01:34.
  5. See 10x06 at 0:56:14.